After using SONY Ericsson T230 for over a year I have come to a conclusion that I was over excited when I wrote the last review(down).
Well as technology is constantly changing, now one expects to get a video rec. facility with that price (Rs6500).
The main problem with this model is with the extemely slow key response, its like using a P2 pc when P4 is available.
WAP has no significance in this model, websurfing is just a joke for this model (non functional).
The music composer is awesome feat.
I bought the accessory detachable camera, turned out to be a waste fo 1500Rs.
Now, when Nokia 6610i is available no one will opt for old versions of Ericsson.
May 9th 2004, the day I got my 1st cell phone as a 17th Bday present. I had to choose from various range, its really a tough job to look through those unbelievably attractive cell phones with various features. After exploring for about half an hour I noticed this lil cute cell phone SONY Ericsson T230 , then I learnt about the features, accessibilities, games, appz and many more stuff provided in this lil magic box. Finally I made a decision of purchasing this model, I also bought the FM radio and the camera as accessories.
Things I like about T-230:
USB support
RS232 cable support
-many more cooool things...
Sony is the BASE of any brand... I have SONY camcorder, diskman, DECK, PS2...
Well I am addicted to SONY, this addiction is for good...
The only prob with cell phone is that I have to pay the d@mn bill outta my allowance... I know that sucks... :(