My dad wanted a mobile phone and he is a true Nokia Fan! our family had purchased then 2 nokia 3315 and were really good in service. By then he was using the old ericsson long type cell phone with a huge antenna. So I insisted him to go for some other cell as life is no 3315, there;s more to it. So I started to search for a mobile which has everything and is light on the pocket. My dad has cellone service connection so making calls is totally free.
So I was looking for a mobile witgh a high battery life and which should be future ready with everything. Im a reader of digit magazine too and it was rated 5 out of 5 in the also a mobile category beating motorolas, nokia 3350 and samsungs models.
So I decided to get this cell and enquire about its cost. I was shocked when I saw its features. color screen [256] could have been better, poly phonic tones, camera enabled, 20 days standby 15 hrs battery, a sexy look, IR-DA port. gprs enabled. and what not. I thought this set has everything with only to pay 10000/- flat. It can stay in business for 2.5 years easily as it was totally future complaint.
So went to a cell exhibition and got a box packed model with 1 year warranty for Rs 9000/- [it was an offer]. So he used it for 6 months and it was par excellence!!! Sony ericsson people are like ferraris in front of the mclarens and williams. They are simply great. This set has everything!!!. Then comes the service and stability of Sony Ericsson. My dad scell fell in to water and totally out!!! I decided to give it to authiorised sercive centre. Being put up in coimbatore, they had to send it for major checkup to chennai. Communication with them was poor nd it took me 2 weeks to know whether it can be repaired or not. They said it can be done but not under warranty as it was the case of water logging. We said yes and they said it will take rs 1600/-.
We said ok then the bd news cam eas it cant be repaired and they have the cell with them and we can tak eit back. By then my dad had shifted to samsung r220. Then suddenly after 4 months I went to the place to get it and give it to some local guy for repair. To my surprise it was repaired!!!! I paid 1600 including taxes and got my dear cell beck. This time it was mine!!! Sony Ericsson is really great!!!
Now I use airtel connection where I use mms, and free sms here. Now after the prolonged use and also Im a frequent user I get to charge THE BATTERY EVERY DAY AND CHARGING TAKES ONLY 45 MINS FOR FULL CHARGE. IT HAS EXCELLENT MEMORY AND CAN EVEN CONNECT TO INTERNET IF U HAVE AN INFRARED PORT.
1) 256 color screen isnt enough now days c100 takes the edge there. But still if ur not into detailed imaging then it does solve the purpose
2) ring volume is though polyphonic but u cant hear it if u r 2 rooms away and in a crowd. They should have improved over it. See nokia 3315 monophonic ones and nokia 3350 for it
3) it doesnt support java which is the most needed platform formobile access today. So I cant download games from airtel nor the cricket services they offer.
If you are a student like me and can do with these problems. Then it is worth the money!!!