I bought the phone as I liked its features i.e. Bluetooth, IR, GPRS, Modem, camera
The price for a Sony Ericsson T610 Shold be in between INR 10, 000 and INR 11, 000. as I am using one T610 its the best phone in the catagory of sub INR 12, 000.
It has got Bluetooth InfraRed and a cable connection to connect it with other devices. the phone rocks go get one if you want a phone which is low in cost and high on features
The phone is light weight and the functions given on this phone cant be matched by any other company
So if you want to buy a phone rich in features please go get it
If the mouth shut team is reading this please edit the rates.
I cant write any more I have writen what I could thoda reveiw ka size chota kar do mere bhai ungliyan dard kar gayin likhte likhte aur revews bhi likhne hain.