I bought this cell about 6 months bak n I already hav probs wit it. .. my cel startd givin probs in abt 3 months.. my cel startd hanging......
2-3 times wen it hanged, it started workin on its own... but bliv me it waz bad. it took 4 hours to start on its own... n now my cell has cumpltly hangd , I am witout da cell frm 3 dayz alrdy n da companyz sayn it will take anothr 8 dayz 2 sort out da prob!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! itz sum software prob they say.........nw I fel sad 4 buyng a sonyercssn instd of nokia....... bliv me ppl nokia iz da best....... u experience minimum probz wit it..... ample of service cnters available......... nt like sony literally hunting 4 service centrs
fixd memory iz anothr prob.....
fm reception iz nt as gud as nokia phones
wav files cannot be opened
smart muveez cnt be opened
bt if ur a music fanatic thn ths iz 4 u provided da cel dsnt hang!!!!!!!!
if ne1 had 2 tak my advice, plzzzzzz buy a nokia piece.... agreed nokia pieces also hang at times bt ur easily guided 2 ur service centr n ur probz r easily solvd....