I decided against all advise and upgraded from my Nokia 1100 to the
W200i from Sony Ericsson. Quite a delight at first, with all its fancy
features(though at the lower end of its kind), but there was a certain
flimsiness to its finish and interface as compared to my much simpler
Nokia. Being used to my robust 1100, it was only a matter of time
before it fell along with my clothes into a bucket of water. I realized
my folly within 2 minutes, and picked it up, only to see it go berserk.
Some fervent hours of drying the components in the sun later, all I had
was a dead w200i. When I visited the service centre, I was told that
water related issues nullify my warranty and that my cell had a "50%
chance of survival". tragedy! Anyway, it was partly my fault, but
surely, a cell phone can be expected to withstand the rains, or some
exposure to water. Or maybe, as I indicate in my title, it is
meant only for the showcase? I will probably refrain from buying a Sony
Ericsson cell phone in the future. Cheers to my faithful Nokia 1100.