I have been using this phone for the past 2 weeks and found it to be an amazing gadget to possess. Poeple kept on asking me "does this phone have, FM, mp3 player, camera, blooth, USB etc" . and everytime they found an affirmative answer "YES" from me. and I was so happy to give them the answer. This is a cool phone with loads of features. It has some unique features like:-
a) copying the contacts to Memory card.
b) the music mate 2 is a wonderful software for all those musicians out there trying to tune in or fine tune thier notes as it assists you with all the basic chords and notes of guitar, keyborard etc.
c) multiple alrm set.
d) amazing sound clarity and quality.
a) you have to get used to its low sound when on speaker.
b) I think there is some problem with the battery charge, since it is not so long lasting.
Otherwise its a very good phone. THIS PHONE IS VERY SIMILAR TO W810i which was such a big hit but very compact and sexy.
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