I curse the moment I purchased sony ericsson W350i mobile phone. It was nov 08. It is still in warranty period. It was jan09 my trauma began. Suddenly my sony ericsson mobile phone goes dead. I call the service center (39011111 as given in the website).
Invariable always the call lends up at Experia devision and the call center executive most of the time cuts the call while transferring to the customer care division. Finally I am able to locate a service center near my home. When I reach the service center (Salora Internationa), I am told that the cell phone has to be deposited in the service center for 15 days and there is no provision of giving a stand by mobile phone. I was told that the mother board of the mobile phone has to be replaced. I was aghast that how come a new mobile phone has a faulty mother board. Anyway, after 15 day of follow up the call center I am able to get my mobile phone back.
It was barely 15 days that the mobile phone started giving me trouble again. The mobile phone used to switch off and switch on its own frequently. Climax came that I was traveling to delhi. I switched off my mobile when entering the air craft and when I alighted from air craft at delhi airport, the mobile went in demo mode and remained in that useless mode for 3 days.
I had virtually out of touch with my family and I had suffered miserably at official front as well. But surprisingly when I reached Chennai and I switched on the mobile, it was back to normal. In Chennai I called up the call center , again as usual it went to Experia division and after repeated called I was able to reach customer care division. I demanded that my cell phone to be replaced; I was advised to deposit the cell at the nearest service center. On the immediate Saturday I went to Salora International at 10:30 am. And what I find the service center is closed. Now a working professional cannot afford to run behind the service centers now and then. Yesterday (14 may 09) there was an emergency at my home and I was in urgent need to call my wife and the cell went in demo mode and remained such till morning.
My sincere advice for new mobile purchasers “never buy a Sony ericsson mobile phone”