My God, It gave away in less than 2 months of purchase.Tens of persons told me not to go for this brand at all but like a fool, I spent my hard earned money on this one. I do nor complain as much for the range of features though, it does have many.But when it goes bad , only a miracle can help you.
The bureaucratic attitude of the company, cold response, lack of spares & all that...they add to your misery.Can one afford to pay 7-8000 for a cell & leave it to companys mercy for a month or more.? if you can..well go ahead & buy one.
Poorest of the poor after sale service makes this a very magnanimous choice. I am not at all happy with the attitude of the company which takes may be months & months to repair /get the sp[ares.Who on earth will deal with such a firm in this age of global business & what have you I is good till it works..Dont take companys word for it eg warranty & all that.