Hello people.... this is my 2nd review. this is my 2nd phone after the nokia 6670 disaster( read my review on it to know). I purchased this phone about 4months back and I must say, this is a very good phone. first of all, the main reason to buy this phone was because of its OS...... motorola uses linux which is very stable, sony erricsson lower model uses java like w700i... not as stable as linux but still better and nokia uses symbian which is just better than windows mobile as symbian phones have a lot of problems..
I didnt go for motorolla because motorola india is very bad. so I purchased w700i. plus, it is a walkman phone i.e. built for music and love music. it can give 30hrs of nonstop music..... simply awesome. 3rd, this phones built quality is very much better than any nokias.
In an accidental experiment as u can say.... the phone fell in bucket of water and suprisingly came out unharmed and perfectly running. no water went inside. this makes me wonder if the phone is water proof or what??????
I Though u will not find much of software for this phone but if u r a music enthusiast then this is a phone for u.