I should say im pretty late in writing this review because I have been using this phone for almost half a year now......
but the positive thing is now you get a long-termer review of this phone ....
CELL PHONE : A device used to make and revieve voice calls on the move
If you believe the vice then this is the phone youre looking for ....
Even though newer models of the walkman series have been released, this one still rules the roost....
1>its the most compact of em all ( the rest of the walkman series look like dvd players)
2>its got all the features that one needs in day 2 day activities like all the PDA software(email client, messenger, calender, etc)...
3>the main feature of course... the walkman function a mind blowing sound output ... sometimes I connect it to my creative 4.1 soundsystem and it rocks ... oh yeah ... it rocks ... the earphones that are provided bundled(HPM70) even give you the woofer effect in your ears... so its complete mobile entertainment
4>the camera : the camera has a pixel resolution of 2.0 mega pixels ... for a layman, even when I transferred the photos onto a cd , played it on a dvd player connected to a 42 inch projector TV, the image was perfectly clear(no dot-dot ) now that rocks
but the only problem with the camera that ive come accross is that you always have to wait for the thing to autofocus ... im just unable to turn off the feature.
5>memory: the phone comes with a 512 mb memory stick... upgradable to 2gig (or 4gig , im not too sure) ...
6>connectivity : the phones connectivity is another surprisingly good feature .... infra red, bluetooth, usb cable .. u name it .. it has it .. the works
and the bluetooth file transfer speed is generally around 60kbps
7>10X4.5X1.8cm .. this is the dimension (approx) of the phone.. now all this stuff... packed into one small box is nothing less than a breakthrough in engineering ....
8>the only thing is the phone is available only in orange color... what a bummer
so my advise...
if youre looking for a phone....
go for the w800i... you will not regret it.....
if youre trying to choose within the walkman series ... still go for the w800i
alright im off I gotta date with my w800i ... and guess what shes gonna sing to me