Im a proud owner of cool, gorgeous, sexy W800i. W800i is one of the greatest mobile phone which I ever used. I feel this piece which I got around 1 year back is still worty to me. Since I have multiple usage of this product for me. A mobile, camera, and a digital player.
I used to be a Nokia fan before I tried this product. This is really awesome. It has amost every features of highend mobile phone, this is means the value for money is high. I did a complete market study before purchasing the mobile. Actually for few people the orange colour of the moible sucks. But for me I love this girl in Orange colour.
As mobile, the sound receptions is good compared with other high end mobile phones. Good for browsing. Ease to use is superb.
Camera is wonderful. The clarity is good more than anyother high end mobiles available today. Most of other models miss Auto Focus feature.
Walkman, the name used to market this product. The sound is pretty great. With equalizer turned on you can really enjoy good music.
You might been wondering if this model doesnt have any negatives. Yes, it had a few. The music experience is superb in handsfree. But this does not support A2DP (Advanced Audio Distribution Profile) which means you cant hear music with the help of bluetooth headset. Moreover the in build Speaker sound is low. Its not a Symbian phone; you can only run JAVA apps, you cant customize with your own apps.
If you purchase this mobile you can read my tips and tricks section to find out what you can do with the mobile
I would greatly recommend this mobile but there is no place to get the orginal mobile :)