Hi Guys,
Im from a nokia user family. My previous mobiles were from nokia. But I found that comparing to nokia, sony ericsson is a good value for money. I bought w800i on jan 2006 @ 24700 INR. But im always happy to say it is very good mobile and user friendly with exicitng features. So many of us still thinking nokia is so user-friendly than anyothers without trying it. But w800i still rocks though the model not avail in the market mostly. But you can go for w700i. No big difference.
Anyone can go blindly go for sony ericsson. I analysed nearly 8 months for sony ericsson with nokia. The same features in nokia costs 35000INR at that time. But not able to compete with w800i and k750i.
K750i and w800i are the same, only the memory stick is differs. k750i has 64mb and w800i has 512 mb.
Ability to extend the memory stick upto 2gb. This company is really doing a good job for the consumers. So far I dont have any problem with the mobile.
Most of the people will say it got some hanging problem. I would say any hi-end mobile will get hanged will use too fast or too many features at a time. Since it wont have that capability like a PC.
Overall, W800i is good entertainer(walkman phone), Good camera (2MP) with auto focus, and downloadable themes.. so on.