I bought this phone some 3 years back from ebay and at that time it cost me around 13.5k, don’t remember the exact amount. At that time 3G phones were just entering the market and although this handset was not 3G, it had many good features. What I liked most was the compact size of the phone and cool external looks. The sound quality was also very good although it had relatively less volume when volume was turned full. The same was applicable to both earphones and loudspeaker.
The earphones were really nice as they were canal earphones that drowned outside sound and allowed you to listen to pure music. Web browsing was easy and quick and you can open word docs and read them. Shortcut keys were also very useful. The only unfortunate thing for me was that I dropped the phone and it break my phone screen, which I had trouble getting repaired. I went to many repair people, but everyone quoted around 2k to repair the screen.
Some also offered to use china-made screen, but that also cost around 1.5k and they said they cannot give even a days guarantee on that. So, I had to settle for the original one which cost me 2k + labour costs. Since I was not sure whether the repairman had used the original screen, I decided to sell the phone. But again, due to low resale value of this phone, I only got 2.5 k, I know it sounds like a high loss deal, but then I had no other option, so I sold it. Apart from these happenings which was unfortunate for me, I think the phone was decent enough and provided value for money invested.