I have purchased SE W810i after searching more no. of phones for 2 weeks , but I found this is the best phone whch pacifies the thirst of many MUSIC Freaks lik meeeeeeeee!!!!!!!!This is the best ever phone wch I saw for Music whch suits well for our ears!!!!and the music rockssss whether it is walkman or radiooooo it is really gudddddddddThese are positives of the phoneee , if I start writing on this the limit given to me by MOUTHSHUT is not enough as those many features are there for this fantastic piece frm SE.
There are many gud ones lik Excellent walkman series, Excellent ease of use, Excellent Camera and a gud Extendable Memory.... and I dont say tat this phone contains no neagative featuresss!!!!!this mobile is also like other mobiles have the negative side of it, they are
1.As we all know the neagative side of SE is battery back uppp-----If ur a sngs freak lik me then ur battery will last only for a single day, so ppl who are ready for this can go for this mobile.
2.The second bad feature of SE is its signal reception, I use HUTCH netwrk for the Network coverage and we all know the level of signals tat are being for HUTCH JJJ!! so in this scenario the phone also doesnt hlp mch for reciving the signals so we have to yell hard so tat the other ppl can hear u clearly.
3.The third thing is about its screeen and I dnt say it is a bad feature but wen u compare ur phone with others then u can feel in sch a way tat yyyyy SE has made a small screen for uuuu.....as it doesnt help u mch in watching videos.
4.The final and last bad feature of the phone is if u answer the call without ur headsets on then it is the tough time for the people who answer ur call for catching wat ur saying as the phone is so small to catch ur voice (if u talk low I mean the way we attend our calls in office).
Hmmmm I guess these are the flaws I found in my phone and it might be useful for the ppl who want to go for this phone..........one more thng I am commenting on mobile in this way because I am using this amazing piece frm SE frm past 6 mnths........so I penned all the facts I have experienced with my mobile!!!! It might hlp ppl who want to buy this!!!!!!
Last but not least I want to stress one more point is that if ur a real music freak or lover or wat ever then this is the best piece to go forrrrrrrrr it pacifies all the thirst of urs for the cost of music u spare all its neagative features!!! nd finally wen u start using this piece u finallyyy falllllin lovee with this fantastic piece..... and I never use my phone as a mobileee its a walkmannnnn or IPOD for meeeeee!!!!!!! Thx for SE for providing a grt product to customers like me.