There are many good things written about this set but I am not convinced and I don’t agree with most of them.
Let me give you many reasons for not buying this set.
Poor sound output compared to (any ) Nokia. I can easily hear to the call voice or FM while going in a bus on any Nokia phones, but not 810 I :(
Poor battery performance. Needs every day charging for medium usage where as ay nokia sets require charging once in 3 days for same usage pattern !!
Handsfree : Very poor design as it doesn’t stay hung around neck and keeps falling down often. Also, to hear the full call voice or FM we need to push it too inside the ear which makes you feel weird and uncomfortable (it feels like blocked as we experience during a flight journey)
Also, cant change FM stations using the buttons in had free so if one is riding/driving, to change the FM station you need to hold and operate the mobile set itself which is very inconvenient.
Minimum customizable options- you will just feel handicap when it comes to customizing. For ex: You cannot reduce the brightness beyond some level so as to save the battery.
Cannot see the time without pressing any button. i.e., clocl is not displayed as a screen-saver
Cannot use handsfree while charging as both handsfree and charging have the same socket
Does not display FM station name on the screen
To play walkman on loudspeeker we need to remove the handsfree
Fast-Forwarding a song is very slow. I have an audio speech of 1:30 minutes and I listen only 15-20 mins at a strech. So, I wish to have the Fast-forwarding is very fast, but it is damn slow and u have to press holding the forward button. To my knowledge, in Nokia, the longer you hold the forward button the rate of fast-forwarding increases and does not remain constant like in W810i. This is very irritating about 810i if u have to use it for lot of Audio books, speeches etc :(
I can go on adding like this but I feel these reasons are enough to decide not buying this cell if you are the one who uses the mobile most.