I have bought a W850i only 4 days ago, but it has won me over in this short time. Feature-wise it is complete, extremely high quality walkman features, very nice camera, excellent connectivity features, 1 Gb memory.
1) All the reviews rave about the walkman feature and the sound quality and I can concur, for sound playback it is tops.
2) The UI is simply great. Everything is very intuitive and the tab-based grouping of items is very nice and looks very professional. The packages themes are very cool, and along with a very high class display the UI is such that you would want to keep on navigating through the menus just to enjoy them. A lot of thought and design seems to have gone into this, even volume display is nice.
3) Everything so far has worked flawlessly, bluetooth transfer, USB transfer etc etc - so thats a great relief. One nifty thing I noticed is that while I was transferring files through USB it was charging as well! Also the packaged Disc2Phone software can rip songs from a regular CD to the phone, doing the encoding itself.
4) Sony ericsson always has an edge in cameras over Nokia I feel, and plus the layout is such that you feel that you actually have a digital camera in your hand.
5) Some of the reviews on net gripe about the top level button layout, but I have not faced any problem at all in navigating them, or play games. The slider has a very good feel and the keypad buttons are also top notch.
6) Battery life seems to be very good - though I am not a heavy user
Overall it seems a top-notch phone, all the features you can want in a very stylish package.