I bought this in Dubai along with all the accessories like game pad and bluetooth. While the accessories are superb, this hand set has certain deficiencies. When somebody calls unless you are on bluetooth mode you dont even know the ring? Surprise, thats the way it is.
Compared to Panasonic models on this category, Sony Ericsson Z 600 does not have a speaker phone also. I really dont know why I bought this. It is a clamshell model and it is quite elegant for a show piece and loaded with all features except the BASICS ie., the low volume ring and no speaker phone.
Better to go for other models of sony than to prefer this. I bought this product as it is from the sony stables and has a cam. While the cam is superb, it is storing the photos can be downloaded on a top end lap top where bluetooth is required. It has a large display and also a good composer.
To download ring tones and other gilts, you need wap/gprs. In short- prefer a WORKING model than all this gizmos.