Bought this phone for my wife 6 months back as she wanted a cheap flap phone. But thats all we got! The phone ringtone is very low and cannot be heard most of the times! With the volume full always we have to select a ringtone which is the loudest of the lot provided. Features wise it is nowhere near a 5000 range phone. It doent even have a speaker phone. The screen size is typically minutely sony ericsson. The reception of the phone is equally pathetic. The buttons are the best feature! It is just a flip phone with a color screen and thats it. Above all the display went completely dark and the sony ericsson service centre told us that no display is available so they will kindly change the phone! This they managed to do it in 45 days after repeated calling up the phone was replaced. My wife was without a phone for a good 35 days before they gave a temporary replacement phone which had a dead battery life and poor reception. Now that we have got a new phone from the company , still will consider to sell it and buy a new phone.
I wont recommed this phone to anyone. I bought this phone purely on the basis of its looks.