After having been a die hard Nokia fan for over 4 years and some 3 handsets down, I was extremely disappointed to find that Nokia had no decent offering in the price range of Rs 7000 to 10, 000. The models that were available in this price range were extremely tacky in looks and not too great on features either, what with the basics like a VGA camera, GPRS, etc but limited memory!
So, I finally decided to let go of this Nokia stickiness and venture out to experiment with other brands and of course Sony Ericsson was the obvious choice. Id often heard really good stuff about the phone and now had a chance to actually explore all those aspects.
The thing that I like the most about the phone is that its a total Value For Money buy! At an MRP of Rs. 7800, it has all the features that one would normally look for, unless youre the N series types, and is also a very good looking phone. The cylindrical outer display on the flip with the purple lights on a grey steel body is quite slick! Having always wanted a flip phone and with Motorazr becoming the equivalent of Maruti 800 for mobile phones, this was the smartest flip around at the most reasonable cost.
Although it does not belong to the music phone category of phones offered by Sony Ericsson, it offers a good audio quality, decent memory space, awesome display quality in terms of sharpness of picture, clarity, contrast and brightness. The camera too is 1.3 megapixel which actually gives you an incentive to click a pic on your phone, unlike the pixelated stuff you get on a VGA. Overall, I think this phone rocks and kudos to Sony Ericcson for addressing the type of market that consumers like me form, neither the N series types nor the 1100 Made in india types!!
I love my Z550i and Im not even into gadgets in a major way, but this is one buy I am really proud of!! Highly, highly recomended to all!