SONY HDR CX190, although its a obsolete model now, the time while it was launched in the market it was an entry level model in the sonys series of full HD handycams, capable of shooting full HD clips(1980p).
the model is light weight, really small(yes u can even keep it in your shirt pocket, that kind of small), has a 2.7inch screen, 30x optical zoom and pretty long digital zoom, only a mere 500 mah battery, and as obvious carl ziess lens, a exmore r processor.
well to talk about the video quality, its good for its price, quality falls when u zoom at full 30x, the steady shot feature works well but is unable to compensate the shake at max zoom, its also equipped with a stereo microphone right in the front, so it picks up a lot of wind noise inspite of having wind noise cancellation feature.
the menu interface is not at all user friendly, the playback feature and options are messed up, u will find it to be real problem to operate the menu only with a small joystick, a touch screen would have been nice.
it shoots still pics but I suppose the mobile phones takes better picture than this.
no manual controls are available on this model, strictly a no go even for the serious amateurs.