I was looking for a good music system bored off my ipod n my disc man I thought of gettin one music system @ home for my use which has gud bass effect n surround sound!! this system I had got from sony world in Coimbatore TN!
Its an awesome systemm..!!
its got a reall gud bass effect n surround is preety ok!!
There are two speckers which are really huge n look good...it has 2 cassette players n it is a 3 cd changer
above the volume round button there is a 180* ka red light around it!!
it comes in silver n black colour n the speckers inside have a light purple colour whic give it lil bit of a sporty look!!
the max volume is 30 which is enough for residencial use ..
ve can record our own cassettes using the cd syn button !!
the recording quality of tis system is really really gud!!
it consists of 3vcd/cd/mp3 changer
2 cassette players including one whic records cassettes
there is radio option ie; FM AM..
n there is a game option whic allows ur speckers to get connected to ur TV , PLAYSTATIN, n PLAYIN games N even Cann be attached to External DVD players
its havin many options like the groove botton whic increases the power of bass
it also has the the option of v groove whic makes the system bass more more effective than the usual groove!!
it comes with a remote control whic is common for all trhe player these days!!
and the best part of all it comes with 2600 watts p.m.p.o!!!
this much power is really enough for a residensial user where even the walls can feel the effect of the music played!!!
wen the system is in vgroove n the surround is on..
blast up the volume to 30(max) ul get a total pic about wat this system really is !!
i bet ul never turn it off n will keep rockin the whole dayyy
All the best if ur gettin one make sure its this n even one more model tat is MHC-RV20 ... this system is also the same but it came around 14000/--- for me!!
so all the the music lovers out there get this product and don forget to blast in a music party with some gals in yr room!!!
likes: the speckers, music effect, bass effect, surround quality, n the lights its got over the volume button!!
Dislike: no dvd in it!!