This was an excellent choice about 2 years ago, but today, better cameras are available.
Has a built-in floppy drive and good-size LCD panel. The lens is a wide-to-telephoto zoom, with good coverage and sharpness. Autofocus works very well, and so does the built-in flash. Has a Lithium-Ion battery which gives 120 minutes of use. Re-charging time is only 2-hours.
On the downside, (a) maximum resolution is only 640 x 480; too less in todays world (b) floppy can hold only 21 pics (c) floppies are unreliable even as a temporary storage medium (d) zoom is only 6x (e) bulky.
I used it for 1 year, shot about 250 pics, served me well, but Ive now moved to the Sony DSC-F505. Read my review about it.
My FD-71 has been very carefully used only by me, and is in top-class condition. I want to sell it for Rs.20, 000/- (the new FD-73 will cost Rs.28, 000/-). And I’ll give you 2 boxes of floppies too. Any takers ?