Sony Playstation I and II (henceforth would be mentioned as PSOne or PSTwo) are probably the most popular game console. The other competitors are Nintendos GameCube and Microsoft XBox. There is no dedicated section specifically on PSOne games, so thought of writing some facts about PSOne in general and one of the most popular games available. I hope this section is for Sony Playstaion games, if not do let me know and I will move it to the relevant place.
I bought a Playstation 1 1/2 years back from Malaysia. The latest version cost around 400 Malaysian Ringgit (=Around 5000 Rs). With the bargain, I got a memory card and 10 PSOne games free (Pirated ones of course).
What you need in your TV to play PSOne Games
The TV you are using should have a separate input jacks for audio and video. PSOne has Digital Audio capability and if you TV is stereo and there are two audio input jacks (for left and right) and the experience would be terrific.
About the Product
The PSOne package comes with the Console (which is basically a CD-ROM drive in case of PSOne and a DVD Rom for PSTwo) and the Controller. The latest ones are shipped with DUALSHOCK Analog controller which means better control and realistic vibrations or feedback. For E.g., when you are driving a car, and if its bumps into a wall, the DUALSHOCK controller vibrates!!.
You should opt for one Memory Card ( if its highly unlikely you would be playing two player games or would need to save both.) so that you can save your games. I play the games alone (cos’ I play late in the night) so just Memory card was sufficient for me.
Normally, two controllers are packed with the package and you can opt for an Sony PSOne travelers kit/bag as well which has got provisions to keep you Console, controllers, memory cards and Games. I think if you are the type who travels often, and would love to carry the PSOne where ever you go, pick this up and its not very expensive either.
It comes with a standard DC adopter that needs to be plugged in and make sure you have a Indian version plug or converter available (in case you buy the Unit from some other country).
Worried about Connecting?
No need to worry, nothing much to be done here. You need to plug in your Console power chord, put in the audio input and out put jacks, plug in your controller to the console, put in a CD and you are ready to go.
Why did I buy PSOne
People normally buy PSOne and later, discover a game and fall in love with it. In my case it was reverse. I bought PSOne just to Play Grand Turismo, or GT as its lovingly called.
Grand Turismo
One of the best games I ever played. Basically a Racing Emulator with very realism which is unmatched in any other Car game I have played. There are two modes Arcade Mode where in you can just pick a racetrack and a car and race. Not interesting enough for me. I love the Simulation Mode where in you are given default 10000 Credits when you open the game, you can buy any car (you can buy only second hand) and try to win races.
Initially, the no of races you can participate would be limited, cos you wouldnt have a License. So after some practice, get the licenses, the A and B etc, and more races and championships are opened up for you, which means you can win more money and can either get a better car or get upgrade your existing car
You have to play the game to believe it. The handling of the feel you get while handling a particular car differs. Eg Honda Civic is easy to handle but less power and acceleration, on the other hand, some of the BMW cars (available in GT-2) would be powerful but difficult to handle, just an example. The look and feels of the cars are extremely realistic.
As the credit increases in your reserve, keep upgrading you car, do some engine tuning, change the front tyres to Soft which means less skidding on corners if you are too lazy, just go for a car wash!! After all the activities and upgrade, you can really see the difference in you car.
Some Tips
1.When you win a championship, you get the prize money plus you may get a surprise gift in your garage!! It may be an useless car but it will have resale value. Sell it and add to your reserve
2.I have found that in the initial stages, Honda Civic/Sedan would be the best first car for a new comer, it has less power but has superb handling. Take this car up, win championships and then upgrade to a more powerful car.
3.It’s highly unlikely that you get a license in one shot, but try to cover it in one sitting. The license tests are pretty ok (for the initial licenses) in GT, but its bit more tough in GT-2. Make sure you save the license tests one after another in your memory card, its very irritating if you loose it!!!
4.Its better if you play only the Arcade mode for the first few days so that you a hang of things and learn the various circuits or racing tracks available.
PSOne is a good investment if you want to spend sometime when you are bored, but be careful, its extremely addictive. Its easy on the eyes and on the back and you can supplement the length of the controller cable (or get remote ones) and you can lie on your bed and play.
GT is one of the most popular games available. Other would be the Tomb Raider series, Tekken, Final Fantasy series etc which are also quite good.
GT one comes in one CD but GT Two has two, one for Arcade and one for simulation.
One more thing
Hey, by paying something like 1000 Rs extra, you can put in a plug able VCD adapter in your PSOne, which will enable you to watch VCDs on it. Look at it, if you are planning to buy a VCD player, buy a PSOne instead, with VCD adapter and you will have the greatest Game console in the world as well as a VCD Player. Do give it a try.
Playstaion community is very big, I typed Sony Playstation in Google as the result was Results 1 - 10 of about 1, 050, 000. Search took 0.13 seconds!!!
Some popular sites where you can find more information on the product are :
If MS puts in a separate section for PSOne an PSTwo games, then I will share some more popular games with you guys