I used to play games on PC. Before playing any unknown game I see the screenshots of that game and I simply reject that game if it doesnt look good. Usually I play Stealth
Action/Action/Shooter /Race games.
Unfortunately my current laptop doesnt have a graphics card. Almost it doesnt support any games that have come after 2005. So I decided to buy a ps2.you may
ask why not a ps3’..My answer would be Money that matters :D
I bought a ps2 for 7000 and I bought NFSMW, Hitman Blood money, Splinter cell double agent to test my new console. After I saw graphics of all these games in my PS2, I heard a big bang in my head. Yes..graphics is not that good, if you
compare it with a PC game. PS2s graphics is equal to year 2002 PC games graphics. As a graphics freak that is all I can say.
But the advantage is I can play latest games in my ps2. If I dont compare
the graphics with PC games, I can say ps2 graphics looks good. I heard that I could slightly improve it by using an LCD/Plasma TV.
PS2s Joystick is comfortably designed and easy to use. For shooting
games you need some practice with it. You need to get a separate ps2 memory card to save your game play.
Saving process usually takes some time; many games lack the quick save functionality.
Ps2 has built in network card, so you can play online multiplayer games. And also you can play two player games like FIFA, WWE, Mortal combat with your Friends using the same console.
Bottom line is PS2 has decent graphics. There are loads of gamesavailable for ps2. It is nice to play games with the ergonomically designed Joystick. Not so serious or New gamers wont get disappointed with PS2. But if you are a gamer and you look for best graphics, I would suggest you to either upgrade your
PCs graphics card or get xbox360/ps3.