The title is used by SONY for their product... PS2...... Play Station....
Wonder what took me so long to buy a game station even after it being the in thing..... Low avaliablity in India was the main factor.. till recently I saw the PS2 at a AV Max expo at Lands End.
The product was marketed by Milestone priced at 15k and 18k for a special edition... The box looked out of the world..
A sleek box sized not bigger than a VCP player... a bit heavy for its size.. ..
Had always a problem to figure out and buy cause the XBOX was also selling like hot cakes for a lesser price in the US of A.... However looking further more I found these details which helped me make my mind.
A 128 bit CPU, R3000 300 mhz Processor, 32 MB RDRAM, 1 FPU, MPEG-2 Decoder, Graphics Synthesizer 150 mhz, 4 mb Dram, 1280 x 1024 res. 2 mb sound memory, 48 channels voices. 24x CDROM 4x DVD ROM, 2 USB, 2 Controller Port, 2 Memory Card Slots, S400 I.Link, A Drive Bay, Expansion Bay, DVD Play Software builtin..
I also found out that you had to install mod chips so that you could run pirated versions of games. Of course you could live with original versions but each priced between 2000 to 4000 bucks mean more misery for a poor guy like me....
Finally I purchased a modded unit from a local dealer from my city for INR 14000 and a few pirated games for about INR 90 each game.. And whoosh.. I was playing the whole night... trying each and every game.. the graphics was amazing.. the load time was average.. but the sounds and the images were so alive and entertaining... Next stop.... Planet M to buy some legal games ... I picked up Need For Speed - Hot Pursuit... Eye toy... and WWE Smack Down...
A bit of advice... Pirated CDS would run but no gaurantee.. Modded PS2s can be a problem... Players come in 2 versions.. A PAL and NTSC.. Buy a pal version if you live in INDIA.... Some games on NTSC run on 4.43mzx which some TVs cannot recognise in Auto Mode.. so you will have to switch the TV system into manual mode else you will have to play the game in black and white..
What you receive with the PS2 is a Game Box, A trial CD, Manuals, 1 DualShock 2 analog controller, AV Cables. Now lets see whats missing in this.... Guesss Guess....
A memory stick of course... I realised that on the first day of gaming wherein I lost and had to start up all over again trying to dump the stupid cop.... after being beaten badly about 10 times.. I finally decided to gift myself a 8 mb memory stick costing bout 950 bucks... and now.. I am a happy man...... lol
Entertainment never seemed to be ceasing... The eye toy, a game with a usb camera... Position the camera on the top of a TV.. and you become the controller... Kick, fight smash and kill as you would do in real life.. and see the effects on the TV.... Its pure fun... and tiring ofcourse.. lets see what all did I do.. I DJd, kung foooed , washed windows, headed footballs, spinnarooni discs........lastly fisted the stupid robot... I believe its worth every single penny....
The games are still expensive off the shelf... but a worthwhile deal.. rather than keep on upgrading your pc ... to run the latest games.
A last bit of knowledge.. Connect the unit to a music system and your tv.. you can play DVDs, Audio CDs but NO VIDEO CDs.
I brought my PS2 after reading a lot of reviews.. hope this review will help you all to buy one tooo.... ....
ADIOS... and happy gaming....