The PlayStation 4 is my first ever favourite console of all the time it is the best console.
Friendly to user,
PS4 is a good game Council which provides us to play as many games as we want it has several kinds of games in it.
It is very easy to use anybody can play in it we dont need to know any special kind of things to play it.
Features and functions,
It it provides just to play games on 1080 pixels it is the largest platform of games it has more than one hundred thousands games it is my new features we can play it on offline mode in online mode we can played with friends family and others.
Unique design
It is is unique design and it has his own style it has very good quality its just fit 2 20th century
For users PlayStation 4 Pro is the largest platform of games it has very good services when you are stuck in Manual or anything like you cannot fix your Playstation 4 or set it up they provide us with 1 year warranty with 1 year warranty it gives you 1 or 2 games free when you purchase it but it is very expensive which is right because it has very very good features unique design and quality of playing games it provides is a good service it gives us for new year warranty so it is up to be valuable or expensive it was up to 40 to 50000 rupees which is like 600 to $700 US dollars so it is expensive but it is the best Sony PlayStation ever created.