Got is on 24th and the packaging was great and also the service was great.
Now lets talk about the Ps4
Now the slim is obviously very slim and looks quite nice in the matte finish. The console was great with all the accessories. However, the mono headset is absolutely horrible.
Now lets talk about the deal. Ps4 with a 3 months PS+ membership is great. Also drive club( 19 GB download mandatory) , ratchet clank( quite boring tbh) and horizon zero dawn. ( Absolutely gorgeous)
It is a great package at 27800! You should definitely buy it however if you play games mainly downloading it online than buy a 1tb model or just use an external hard drive.
Heres a cheat for you, if you dont know this already. Before you activate your 3 month Playstation Plus subscription, activate the 14 day Playstation Plus trial around the end of the month and grab the free games for both the month with the free trial. ; )