This console is great! Very good performance. Capable of holding 1080p and 50-60fps which is great as compared to the xbox one 900p performance. The menus are extremely easy to use and even a beginner can easily feel at home. The deals and discounts on the play station store are amazing. However, the exclusive xbox games are a little better than the ps4 exclusives. Other than that the ps4 is the way to go. Its fairly cheaper and offers better performance. It looks better too. The controller is great. Has very good feedback and the motion sensing works perfectly and is pretty useful in the games that incorporate it. The touch pad is a good future as well, allowing you to access different menus quicker. Making L2 and R2 into triggers have made it more comfortable too. The incorporation of an audio jack means I can play video games late at night and still have volume on. However, the joystick fade a little so its advisable to get a joystick cover. Also new controllers are very expensive, with the standard one coming at 5000 inr. Other than that the ps4 is an amazing console, worth it for the next 4 years of gaming