Sony PSP is one of the products which was really popular at one time but now has lost its charm. This is not because the product is bad but because smartphone has taken its place in the gaming world.
I had this product for some years but I lost interest in it ofcourse due to better technology. Also the gaming CDs available with it were hardly found and were costly.
In todays world technology is advancing very fast and sony PSP is one of the product which is sufdering due to this. Mobile phone or more precisely Android phones have taken its place mainly because of better graphics and larger screens. I would hardly recommend to buy this product at this time because it will be a waste of money. Its better to go for other sony products like Sony playstation 4 or xbox 360 because they can give you more immersive gaming experience than android phones on a bigger screen.
This product is getting old fashioned and sony must come up with other and better technology if it wants to retain its presence in the handheld gaming devices.