This review is to show respect to the PSP.
At 2000 sony released their fast handheld gaming console.
At that time PSP had rock and roll in the market .It was the king of handheld console. The psp has a nice profit on the market . PSP has many games launched after its released .
The price was not so high . It really changed the world . To play games on it it needs to be insert a disc in it. The dsic price is little bit high . But people like PSP because it is small and affordable .People can take it anywhere can play it everywhere. If we talk about the design of this wonderful gaming console it was perfect than and still perfect ow .
There is no console which is capable of to compare with it. People love to buy this wonderful gaming console till now. For its performance, its high dissing look etc. The PSP still selling in the market. Its a childhood friend and yet it is dead.We can also say PSP mans best friend. The classic gamers still feel awesome to play with it .The screen is ips display which gives a good view to gaming. Personal experience : I buy PSP at 2006 When I was class 4 . From 2004 to 2016 I have my legendary PSP yet and still now I have my PSP good .Its battery performance good and runs well. The buttons are still very good . It is like my child friend.