Using it since few months. Its the entry level water and dust proof android!
Well, after upgrading it to android 4.1.2 build no 6.2.a.1.100, it hangs all the time while taking the call and while dialling.
receiving call: the slider hangs mid way, the response is late - so call is started but phone responds 30+ seconds late, so caller is already shouting.
dialling: when you select a contact via contact list and call, the screen goes blank some times, response is again 30+ seconds late, so called person has already accepted the call but phone shows that 30+ seconds late, so again called person may disconnect or get upset!
Just a week ago during one of the upgrade the "phone" stuck or hung and would not start!
Had give it to Sony service center for repair. Well, all they could do was format the phone and reinstall the s/w. And they said if this happens again, give the phone again and well see it. Not sure what that means and how many times one has to do it!
Here is a Sony thread where over 270 posts are saying that Xperia go is bad!
Other features are good, like audio and picture quality, camera is good, torch is good!
conclusion: do not buy it till this problem is fixed.
What is a mobile used for mainly? For phone calls right. And when the most important feature is not working, who would use it? What should Sony do for it - recall it!