Hi Friends Please Listen Carefully About Lollipop Upgrading in Experia . please dont upgrade ur Experia M2 dual with Lollipop 5.1 version. Your previous android version Kitkat 4.4 is more better than to Lollipop 5.1, please dont Panic for new software update in ur device just forget about ur new software upgrade with lollipop 5.1 and use ur kikkat version happily or If you do it? then you will face many problems in ur device after upgraded.
Some Problems, likes(1.) you lost your Auto Britness features from ur phone(2). you lost your( silent/volume/vibrant) features(3.) you will lost ur mobiles internal more space due to ur mobile will you give always Warning " ur internal storage is full Tape to transfer data in External storage " its so irritating.(4) many times ur device will hanging when u access games or apps like Opera mini, Whats app, [ f ] app etc, any time it can happen.(5) Big problem is u Ill face ur Cameras quality and clearness is gone totally, when u Ill see ur pictures Clearty to do zoom after taking from ur Camera then u ill realize that ur mobiles camera is not 8 Mega pixels. infact u will think ur mobiles camera is just 1.3 Mega pixels camera, like a old mobiles Camera.
Sounds quality is nothing changed after upgraded its same dull like before. So friends please dont upgrade ur Experia m 2 Dual Kitkat to lollipop because Kitkat is more better to Lollipop, you will nothing get new good features after upgrade in ur device infact You Ill get just problems and get lost ur important features from ur phone. Or If you want to see something new in your Mobile so you should Download ZERO Luncher from Playstore Im 100% sure that u Ill enjoy this app its more better to upgrade new software. Im telling you all that because I did upgraded my Experia m 2 Dual and Im still facing these problems, I was panic like u r now panic for new software upgrading, so friends please dont upgrade your mobile with lollipop if you want use ur phone smoothly.