Sony has been in the electronics industry for quite a long time and its experience in making mobile phones is also quite good. But the new range of Xperia products have many flaws, specially Xperia M2 dual phones. I bought the phone for its look and thought that it is a Sony product, so I dont need to worry. but I was wrong.
The product looked beautiful, no doubt, but the performance was ridiculous. I had to get the phone reset and software updated three times in 6 months, and finally its LCD broke, when the phone was just kept on the table and nothing happened to it. I have heard many such cases of Sony phones.
Even one of my friend has the same phone and she purchased it after my recommendation(she purchased it in less than a month of my purchase). Although I have changed my phone in 9 months, my friend still has her M2 and she is facing all the same troubles which I faced, except for the LCD issue( I pray she does not have to face it).