The Tipo was released three years ago, in 2012 as a budget offering from Sony. The launch price of Rs.10000 was still high though, considering this was a low end phone with a tiny, 3.2inch screen with 320x480 resolution, a wimpy 800mhz processor which was outdated right from the launch and 3mp camera which nobody really cared about. Probably the only goodie was that it shipped with the latest version of Android ICS, which very few phones offered at that time.
I purchased the Tipo at Rs.8000, and if I were to believe the salesman, people did seem to have taken a liking towards the phone. My sole reason for choosing the Tipo was that I was looking for a budget, hardy smartphone as a backup and in 2012, smaller brands like Micromax and Karbonn werent as reliable as they are today. Even then, 8k seemed like a high price to pay, considering there were phones like the Samsung S Duos which had better specs and sold for as less as 6500. However, I found the build quality of Sony a tad tougher than Samsung. Another reason was that Samsung phones were way too commonplace, so I settled with Sony. The stronger build quality of the Tipo also meant that the phone was a bit thicker, but the thickness was unoticeable under regular usage. Intensive apps and games were still a no-go though, since the weak processor couldnt handle anything beyond angry birds.
Overall the phone held up well as far as battery and build quality were concerned. Unfortunately, it was stolen 6 months after purchase so I did not get to spend a significant amount of time with the Tipo, but it was a good phone though overpriced.