Hi, guys iam the user of Sony xa ultra, I have good experience with the phone its ease in using and everything else is going good, but unfortunately I have broke the display, then my experience started. I have given to service centre they took 1week for the display replacement, I have applied for insurance, I said the service people only display but they have done for side panels and etc, etc., but insurance had given only for display by the company. The additional side panel and etc, I have to pay the amount from my pocket, where my panel and back cover etc was good enough and had not got single scratch also, they just made me to forcely to take those and have to pay the amount. I dont understand one thing that why the service people will not confirm before they are applying for extra parts with out the customer information. Please I request all the brands or any other appliances or service centreslet customer decide what he want to go with or out. Let him take the final decisions.