Usage: I am using W910i phone from 3 Months.
Research: I have made so much research about which phone to Buy.
I have short listed N81 and W910. But I went for W910i only
Excellent Music Player and earphones
Very pleasant Screen Clarity & Resolution
decent Camera and Shortcut buttons
Light weight (90 gm with battery ) and sleek in width
Good Battery Backup , Good Microphone
Fast with 2 GB memory when compared to N series
No Keypad security code feature
Camera lens prone to scratches (phone sits on camera when u place on any surface)
can not use secondary camera for taking photos (its dedicated only for video call)
Video recording refreshing rate is very slow
Loud speaker not good when you are in Noisy Roads
To Get best out of this phone You Need to Take care these below points :
Decrease the display brightness to 60% (It will increase battery life without losing clarity)
Remember it is a Multimedia Phone and Operate slowly (after getting response only enter your next request ), then this phone will work very good