GAWD !! how can ANYONE watch this .. leave alone producing this video !! ???
this video proves one point loud and clear . Our Indian media industry has a LOT OF BLACK MONEY and they have no clue how to spend it ...
so what they do is; get some BABE, make her shake booty, lift some RD tune and screw it in some rented recording studio and release it on AIR.
Specially if you manage to be one of the so called HOT VJs (SOPHIYA) ... and can manage to get some one to shoot the video you can very well get on air in say a couple of months ...
And the question of listening to this does not even arise .. ! If you have even the least bit of music sense this cacophony will find place in the deep dark dungeons of trash released day-in day-out in the name of INDI POP ....
As far as im concerned .... I always keep the remote handy for such situations .... where I test my speed of changing channels when some such SICK song is aired ...