Sorry youre not my type, Mr.Sudeep Nagarkars 4th work in writing and probably the best one in his work till its release. I must say that Mr. Sudeeps reputation indeed precedes his work. This book surely ties you together in the depth of the plot and keeps you focused in whatever the book unveils.
The Plot of the story being set between 3 soulmates, Vayu, Vikrant and Anamika who lead the Rajhans Colleges music band. The band establishes success all over the Delhi University and build their place in every music lovers heart. With all well going with the band and the three as well, there comes a phase which shatters all apart and thus make the Protagonist to unveil the happenings to keep the readers hold their seat and keep reading. In this tantalizing wave of young generation, this book covers and speaks about all the aspects of a youngsters life. The sensational tale about love, romance, hatred, betrayal, friendship and much more will keep you engrossed till the very end.
The depth of the plot is what Mr. Sudeep has especially done pretty well which was lacked in his previous works likeThats the way we met. Led by the most expressive narration, the scenes and dialogues of the book catches your nerve in the very first chapters. It is a mesmerizing read, with the climax and the twists, simply leave you speechless.
A sweet yet thrilled fable of love, this book is definitely a good read. It is the one you should not miss on.
It just sets the benchmark for Mr. Sudeep Nagarkar and raise readerss expectations.