Im sure most of you didnt know that there was a movie named "soundtrack". Yes ok, we saw it. Why? Because that was the only movie a lousy multiplex near work was screening at the said time. So yes, whatever.
Back to the movie.
Rounak is hear! Yes, thats something we all joked about after watching this movie. Actually not only that, the clown; who was in the movie for some undecipherable reason and who had very "undecipherable" makeup on too:p; then there was the mother of the troubled(going.gone deaf son) who was not even a trifle troubled by the knowledge of her son losing his hearing ability? Its such a commonplace occurrence right?
Ohh and the "born deaf gal" who has learnt to speak and lisps and her action for "try again" is similar to revving up a bike. Is that the usual sign used by the deaf and dumb? That seemed weird though.
So, the story. Rounak(Rajeev) who has brilliant ears for music is a spoilt brat. All creatives are into drugs and uncontrolled parties it seems? He then slowly starts losing his hearing ability and thats when the joker starts appearing.(What for?) He then tries medication but eventually he turns deaf. He loses control goes into sanyas and then returns to the city. He meets Soha(forgot her characters name) who is the "born-deaf-gal" who runs an institute to teach the deaf to hear n speak.
Hear by looking at the other persons lip movements. Then the love story ensues and inspiring story - Rounak composes music by feeling the vibrations on the speaker! Yes his friend(who has so much money even after hes lost his reputation and is bankrupt) organizes a concert for Rounak where the ever so demanding press are (ofc ourse) present and demand to know if this is all a farce! Ok, movie ends here as Rounak vanishes and keeps sending his friend music composed by him, to sell and earn.
Ok, movie ends!
The concept wasnt that bad actually, but the script and the direction and the performances(excluding Rajeev) were horrendous! Music is nice, not great but nice. Its foot-tapping and I especially liked the instrumental with all usual noises playing in a rhythm.
Verdict, not worth the effort!