South Dakota is probably best known for the Black Hills, Mount Rushmore, and the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. These are beautiful and interesting but there is oh so much more to see in South Dakota.
For instance, there are several grat fishing and boating lakes along the Missouri River watershed. There is Lake Oahe in the north central part of the state. It starts just a few miles north of the capital of Pierre and runs clear up into North Dakota. It is noted for its walleye and northern pike catches. In the south central part of the state are Lake Francis Case, and Lewis and Clark Lake. Both of these are great fishing lakes too.
Mitchell, South Dakota, along I -90 is home to the World Famous Corn Palace. the outside of this unusual structure features designs made from 3000 bushels of corn. grains, and grasses all native to South Dakota. It is quite a unique place and is definitely worth stopping to see.
On to the west on I-90 is the little town of Murdo which has a very good antique car and truck museum.
The small town of Wall, South Dakota probably has the most famous drugstore in the world. Although it is still a drug store, it is more of a tourist attraction now. I have seen signs advertising Wall Drug in England and Germany. They advertise that they have all the free ice water you can drink.
Badlands National Park is southeast of Rapid City and is probably some of the most unique rock formations you will ever see. Some of them are 37 million years old.
The western third if South Dakota is the prettiest part of the state. The Black Hills are not the highest or the most rugged but there is something about them that keeps bringing you back over and over again. Black Hills National Forest has some of the most beautiful and neat waterfalls and streams and the wild life is all over the place. Spearfish Canyon is one of the most beautiful drives if any in the US. The thing that most people think of when you mention South Dakota is Mount Rushmore. Mount Rushmore is quite and impressive sight and should definitely not be missed if you are in the area. the carvings of the likenesses of Presidents Washington, Jefferson Lincoln and teddy roosevelt are nothing short of magnificent. the visitors center has a lot of books and videos about the whole process. one of the things that I think is real neat is the Avenue of Flags where the flag of all fifty states flies for all to see. You would be surprised at the number of people who have no idea what there state flag looks like.
If you are in the area around the last of July or the first of August, take in the Sturgis Motorcycle Rally. It is a one of a kind experience and you will see things at Sturgis during Bike week that you will probably never see again. It gets pretty wild sometimes.
If you like to gamble check out Deadwood. It is a very pretty town built right between two mountains. While you are a Deadwood, drive on down to Lead and See the original open pit from the Homestake Gold Mine. It must be close to 1000 feet deep.
There are numerous caves in the Black Hills and a lot of them are open for exploration and tours. Boy you talk about DARK, take a tour of Wind Cave and they get you down in ther a ways and turn off all the lights. It makes you wonder how in the world they ever explored them in the first place.
You could very easily spend a month in just the Black Hills Area not to mention the rest of this beautiful state.