I have booked a travel bundle in Southern goes from Mumbai to Bangalore a month ago.
I have first gone for SRS yet it was completely reserved and afterward chosen to contact Southern Travel Operators.
They said when I booked that transport will touch base at sharp 8.30 pm in my Downtown.So I stuffed everything and came to there at 8.10 pm and held up in a shop.
In any case, transport came simply following 8.50.That is 20 minute late.But I balanced imagining that rush isnt great.
The transport began its voyage and I chose to sleep.I turned my seat.But a woman sitting behind said that she push secondary lounge isnt working.
She called the administration kid on the transport and said him to check what issue it is.
In any case, kid answered that that seat was not working for last five or a half year and difficult to drive it back.
The two of us lost rest and in the morning, I felt appalling back torment.
Presently I books each adventure bundles early and dependably stay away from Southern voyages.