I happened to buy a study desk for my son.Bought one at Furniture area on 13 9 2008. at Spar. Delivery within 7 days accepted.
After 7 days still no sign of delivery.The contact sales person Mr.Anand has switched of his mobile 99012 01031and is out of town as on date.
Get another number.99729 18867. Ms.Prabha . All she knows is to say Sorry. Get another number 99721 22338. Mr.George . Who says (after 2 weeks ) that stock is not available. This is professionalism at Spar best.
I still do not know when it will be delivered. Each time I am assured that it will be delivered the next day. Why do they over commit and under perform? why not deliver at the day and time accepted? Who is to be blamed ? Who is accountable ? Yes, I think I am to be blamed for it.