In spar hyper market in banargetha road sevic is very weak .when u want buy anything sales person are not avalable and all busy together with talking and .... when u bye and see goods in home damage is alwase there. and if u report it to costumer care they will not mention it .last month we bye some bolb lamp , buying time nobody was there for checking lamp when we came home all was out of order .
For finding green tea bag I was serching 20 min and no sale person was arond.two dayes back alsu we bought hot case , wich has offer .shoping time we serch for sale persons no body was there and we couldent waste time more I check one box there was broken hot case there insid box , then I open nex box when I find it not broken I guess then it ok , after bringing home handel was not there on lid .(means u could not open it ) (and I tink because of they they are giving offer for this type damage thing )when I take back to costomer care they call sale maneger and she was saying in kanara language very rudly that :
She damage it and bring it back and costomer care person or manager I dont know was only waching .i leav that hot case and its not matter of 199 rupees but as tax peyer and as person how work hard in her life to earn honest money I will not leav my right . me and my familly get desission to dont shopp again from this plase beacose we respect to our money and in other place atleast nobody will insult you and make ur office holly day (just one day in weekwhe) estreesful .
Another thing was there bill alwas com more than I acount befor billing , and after discous with some friend about same problem they alsu was mention it .means some prblem is there in price of item and billing .any how for us bye bye spar .