I requested for an appointment with Dr. Sharan Patil on behalf of my dad. The dad who is 68 years old, was supposed to travel from Goa for the consultation. I called the hospital a week in advance so that my dad could plan his visit.
I received an initial confirmation that the appointment was on 04 October 2014. In the meanwhile, my dad planned his trip around the confirmation. I received a call on 01 October stating that the doctor will be unavailable on 04th and requested the slot to be pushed to 06th. I accepted although it would be inconvenient. When I & my dad visited the hospital on 06th, the front desk informed that Dr Patil was unavailable that day. They proposed that I consult with some other doctor. I was extremely pissed by their unprofessional and unreliable service and just walked away from the hospital.
I think this treatment to a senior citizen is unethical and a disservice to the society. Please avoid if possible but I guess this is the standard of the services industry in India.