I think it should not have thr name of energy ups, it Should be named as energy downs, then it will be a perfect name for it.Because I have the worst experience with this inverter, I did not know that it is going to disappoint us.I thought it would be a perfect good product, but it is not, absolutely not.
I think this product is very bad in terms of user friendly.i does not provide the power and we want.If I say about its durability, it is also quite not good, it can not provide the enough power to light 3-4 bulbs or fans.
If I say about its design and style, this product appears as dull as cow dung.it looks very average and down.this inverter is totally waste of money guys, I suggest you not to waste your valuable time and money to this kind of product.there are many products available in the makets, keep distance from this types products , if you want to save your money.
Another one thing I want to say that its service and support also very bad, the company does not provide any support to us . If any appears they don't help to solve this.so service and support are also very low.you should not buy such products.
At last I want to say that such types of products are destrying markets and demand and belief.People can not able to deside what to buy because of such products.