I would like share my opinion on specsmakers.in . This website is a cheater website. They cheated me once and I never shopped from them again. I am wandering what to tell about this fake and scam website. Their work, product, material, service everything start with 0 and ends in 0. There is no plus point about them which you can share happily.
Their products range ate very worst. They have no stylish quality specs. All the design made by the company seems to be wore by blind persons. They sold such bad designed specs in a very high rate.
I ordered a spectacle from this site and got delivery in time also. But while I opened the packet it was broken into 3 pieces. When I wanted to return it, they ignore my requests, never reply me back. They have no contact numbers in their site. Do in this way I couldnt returned that broken glass. And wasted my 1499rs.
This is a fraud agency please keep distance from this.This is not totally reliable.
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