I am using Spectranet broadband in Bangalore.
I was using Tata broadband in the past but faced lot of issues with surfing speed. So decide to change the service provider.have other options like Airtel & spectranet. First choice was airtel but due to port unavailability didnt get the connection.
I was skeptical in going for Spectranet(as I have read so many negative reviews on net) but they were offering 1 month trial option, so I took the risk But to my surprise I found their service completely mind boggling.
I am using Spectranet from last 9 months( 20 MBPS Unlimited plan)
verdict - Spectranet is providing best plan across all the service provider, I didnt find any ISP who is actually giving unlimited plan without any download limits( all ISP providing high speed download till 40, 60 80 GB then downgrade the speeds)
Speed - always got speed between(17-20 MBPS) on WiFi
In last 9 months had a downtime for 3 Days(when there was a cable cut problem) and all ISPs were unavailable in my locality due to same reason. I got waiver for 2 days when contacted Spectranet.
Overall I am very satisfied with their service!