Actually this goes for most of the super markets , in India at least.
Its your fault that you treat the supermarkets as phoren kirane- wallas. The concept of supermarkets is foreign but you have to treat them not as something that supermarkets are where they originally originated. You have to treat them as something that is equally foreign, the garage sale.
You’ve got to remember to take time, have a look around and choose products from the supermarkets only after you have checked them out completely.
I am sure that you don’t buy a packet of dal from your kirane wallah before checking it. Also you surely ask for the price and the good shopkeeper does weigh it in front of you. Yet you pick up the first thing that is packed in a bar coded packet.
The super markets do have great products that are of great quality and prices. Yet you have to choose things. Else you might end up paying dearly than what you have paid outside.
So do use the supermarkets but do remember to check things out before the teller.
Of course a better choice would be a kiranewallah who has just turned into a Supermarket wallah . That will give you the best of both the worlds.