Spice Dream UNO mi498 is one of the Android ONE devices at low range price bracket. In this category we come across two more android-one devices Karbonn Sparkle V and Micromax Canvas A1. All these devices have similar specs on paper but performance and battery life is slightly better in the spice UNO device.
Coming to the concept of the Android-One, this products are introduced in market so that every person in the world can access the benefits of the latest android version. This device is released with android version kitkat and google ensures that the device will get about 2 consecutive updates in the next two years i.e., it can be upgraded to lollipop.
Coming to specs: it has a 4.5 inch display which doesnt have any protection which is not soo good and the view angles are not good. The inbulit storage is about 4gb it is ok for normal user and has mediatek chipset which is powered by 1gb ram. there is nothing much to know about the specs and it is a dual sim phone.
can be upgraded to latest android version as soon as update releases
there are many inbuilt or preinstalled apps which are present in the device which is nothing but junk.
we often see the msg unsufficient space
every update will eat the space and unneccessary apps eats ram which makes the device to function slow
this is device is only for normal user but not for pro users, we can make it better by rooting the device but it may broke the warranty. it is the device to get updates often but I suggest not to update it to stablize it.