Reading the previous two reviews on the same topic I get the feeling that the service is good in north india. but down south in karnataka. I must say my experience with spice was a bitter one.
Firstly, the network coverage is really bad. the network level goes zero as soon as I enter my bedroom. where airtel, hutch and bsnl show full coverage and proper connectivity.
I even recall a joke made in public by one of the teams participating in themad ads competition at my college cultural event recently. now I know why.
Coming to what I like about the provider. the attractive part are the low call rates. the problem comes in the fraudulent billing.
Then again their own representatives are misinformed.
Most of their time the company representatives have half or no knowledge of the rate plans.
and never trust them if they say that something is a refundable deposit. as when you want to finally change a rate plan and reclaim the same. they say the deposit is not so refundable after all.
Sometimes I feel this is one of those terrorist organisations which is designed to irritate and chew at all the subscribers brains so as to render them dull . thus screwing our country